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Mark for Review

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?





Correct Answer: D

Your Answer:



In this Rules question, commas and the words which and who are changing in the answers, which suggests that the question is testing the construction of describing phrases. The first part of the sentence says Gronk, born Glugio Nicandro, is a Chicano artist, which is an independent clause. The second part of the sentence says shows his work not only in galleries but also in public spaces, going so far as to distribute flyers featuring his work at bus stops, which is a describing phrase and needs to be properly constructed. Eliminate any answer that doesn't properly construct the describing phrase.

  • (A) and (B) are wrong because the describing phrase needs a subject for the verb shows.

  • (C) is wrong because which cannot be used with people.

  • (D) is correct because who is used with people and is the subject of the verb shows.