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Mark for Review

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?





Correct Answer: A

Your Answer:



In this Rules question, punctuation is changing in the answer choices. Look for independent clauses. The first part of the sentence says However, the phrases included in this book are typically inaccurate or unidiomatic, which is an independent clause. The second part of the sentence says because its author, Pedro Carolino, did not speak English and instead relied on two translation books: a Portuguese-to-French and a French-to-English, which is a dependent clause. Eliminate any option that doesn't correctly connect an independent + a dependent clause.

  • (A) is correct because independent + dependent can be connected with no punctuation.

  • (B) is wrong because eliminating because changes the second clause to an independent clause, and independent + independent can't be connected with a comma alone.

  • (C) is wrong because a dependent clause can't stand alone as a sentence.

  • (D) is wrong because independent + dependent cannot be connected with punctuation other than a comma.