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Mark for Review

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?





Correct Answer: A

Your Answer:



In this Rules question, punctuation is changing in the answer choices. The first part of the sentence says She first ventured into politics in 2002, which is an independent clause. The second part of the sentence says she ran for office alongside Desa Jacobson, which is an independent clause; however, with the addition of when, it becomes a dependent clause: when she ran for office alongside Desa Jacobson. Eliminate any option that doesn't correctly connect the two clauses.

  • (A) is correct because independent + dependent can be connected with a comma.

  • (B) and (D) are wrong because without when the second clause is independent, and independent + independent cannot be connected with a comma by itself or no punctuation.

  • (C) is wrong because independent + dependent cannot be connected with a semicolon.