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Mark for Review

If and a ≠ 0, which of the following correctly expresses b in terms of a?





Correct Answer: B

Your Answer:



The question asks for an equation in terms of a specific variable. Since the question is about the relationship between variables and the answers contain variables, plug in. The fraction on the left side of the equation could make the numbers awkward, so start on the right side of the equation and make b = 2. The equation becomes , then , and then . Multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to get a = -12. Now plug a = -12 and b = 2 into the answer choices and eliminate any that do not work. Choice (A) becomes , then . This is not true, so eliminate (A). Choice (B) becomes , then , and then 2 = 2. This is true, so keep (B) but check the remaining answers just in case. Choice (C) becomes , then 2 = 10 + (-4), and then 2 = 6; eliminate (C). Choice (D) becomes , then , and then ; eliminate (D). The correct answer is (B).